Usually our technicians service your heating system once per year, at least that is what we recommend. During the rest of the year, you should be keeping an eye on the system. While this sounds daunting, it really is quite simple, because once you know what to look for, it is just a matter of being aware. So let’s look at the top 5 things that you can look for with your system. Continue reading How to Check Your Own Heating System
Another Year Later…Still the Same Home Heating Systems
Life is incredibly busy and we understand how fast time seems to fly by. In terms of our homes, things seem to age quickly, including our home heating systems. Whether it is the oil burner, pool cover, weather stripping, roof, or list of other items, it is easy to “put it off until next year”. What we all notice is how “next year” becomes the “year after that” and so on. Continue reading Another Year Later…Still the Same Home Heating Systems
15 Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of our top 15 frequently asked questions about our services, our heating oil delivery, and heating oil in general. Continue reading 15 Frequently Asked Questions
The Sludge Report
What is sludge?
Oil tanks are not air tight. Every tank has a vent pipe to prevent over-pressurization when the tank is filled. When oil goes in, air comes out, and vice versa. Sludge is the result of Continue reading The Sludge Report
5 Common Questions About Automatic Heating Oil Delivery
What is automatic delivery and how does it work?
Automatic heating oil delivery is a service that we provide, which estimates your oil usage. This estimation is based off of several factors, such as your burner/home efficiency, past usage, tank size, and what are called “Degree Days”. Degree Days start at 65 degrees fahrenheit. This means that anytime the daily average temperature fall below 65 degrees, our computer starts factoring in your usage. Continue reading 5 Common Questions About Automatic Heating Oil Delivery
Why Upgrade Your Existing Boiler?
You might be wondering if you should upgrade your existing boiler to a modern heating oil burner. If your burner is outdated, then the answer is a resounding yes, but here’s why: Continue reading Why Upgrade Your Existing Boiler?
What to Do When Your Oil Burner Fails
It can be frustrating when your oil burner fails in the winter. Here are 6 things you can do when it happens:
Oil Burner Cleaning – Why Should I Clean My Burner?
If you have ever completed an oil burner cleaning before, you know how much buildup can develop on the inside. Better yet, if you have never cleaned a burner, then the title of this post would not likely appeal to you! So we are assuming that you have never cleaned a burner (especially after 5 years). Continue reading Oil Burner Cleaning – Why Should I Clean My Burner?
15 Ways to Prepare for Winter from Your Local Heating Oil Company
Prepare for winter and save money on energy bills.
Winter is coming, and this means higher energy bills to keep the cold at bay. But it doesn’t have to be this way; there are many steps you can take to prepare your house for the cold months. These steps will keep you warm and save you money in the long run. Take advantage of this advice from your friendly local heating oil company! Continue reading 15 Ways to Prepare for Winter from Your Local Heating Oil Company
Heating Oil – Myth vs. Fact (Infographic)
Is it true what they say about heating oil?
If you are not in the heating oil industry, it is easy to hear a lot of bogus information perpetuated as fact. Therefore, many of these beliefs are from data that is outdated and no longer relevant, so it is important to know what’s true and what’s false. Continue reading Heating Oil – Myth vs. Fact (Infographic)